QGM Logistics

Sourcing - Resource management - consulting

Ludovic Menedeme - CEO QGM Logistics 

"The greatest journey begins with the first step." 

Because immobility leads nowhere...

QGM Logistics supports the development of medical structures and the distribution of products in the markets.

  • Mission

    Consultancy in Global Integrated Logistics in the fields of Pharmaceuticals, Life Sciences and Transport through specific projects or interim management functions.

  • Main goals


    Definition of efficient and uniquely binding logistics models between pharmaceutical companies, distributors, logistics companies and customers : 

    • Transport management (negotiation with logistics providers: pricing, solutions, contract and follow-up)
    • Negotiation with pharmaceutical distributors and producers to ensure selection of product supply
    • Ensuring good synchronization with local authorities dealing with health rules and record

    Supply management for consumables, medical equipment and instrumentation

    • Procurement and inventory management
    • Maintenance service management
    • Pharmacy infrastructure, procurement and inventory management
    • Evolution as a future local representation for the distribution of medicines and medical equipment.