Dakar Centre for Toxicology and Addictology



Construction of an adapted centre specialized in addictology and toxicology allowing the care of people suffering both medically and psychologically by offering spaces dedicated to different forms of therapy in order to restore self-confidence and self-esteem lost in this drift.


  • Neuropsychiatric and drug treatment
  • Multidisciplinary medical team: psychiatrist, pharmacists, doctor
  • Para-medical team: psychologist, occupational therapist, physiotherapist, speech therapist, etc.
  • Having a hospital wing including a closed sector
  • Has a day care centre
  • Alternative care through art, garden therapy, zootherapy, ...
  • Creation of a mobile health care team that can assess the need for care at the reference centre, in conventional hospitalisation or as an outpatient on the territory.


    Initially planned for Dakar, this centre is above all intended to be national. The building should reflect this openness and tranquillity. It cannot resemble a hospital even if a few hospital beds or even a closed wing and the presence of a spécialisé module are necessary. The place is therefore open, allowing individual and group exchanges through rooms adapted to the different activities that can be proposed. A centre that is the opposite of the isolation and closure to the world that any dependency engenders.