Dr. Quentin Gaudissart
Président - co-fondateur de QGM Holding, Bruxelles, Belgique
Co-fondateur et administrateur QGM Medical Services - Bordeaux, France
Co-fondateur et administrateur QGM Logistics- Bruxelles, Belgique
As hospital surgeon, he began his career in the university environment with a teaching position in the Hospital Group of the Catholic Institute of Lille, before returning to the private sector at the CHIREC (Centre Hospitalier Inter Régional Édith Cavell) in Braine-l'Alleud - Waterloo where he became head of the Visceral Division.
In June 2019, he interrupted his activity to devote himself entirely to QGM.
In fact, having been involved in numerous surgical teaching missions in Africa and surgical demonstrations on the continent since 2001, he became aware that the punctuality of these experiences did not offer any autonomy to the (para-)medical community he visited. He also notes the unsuitability of ageing hospital structures, their obsolescence and the lack of equipment that does not allow the practice of medicine to recognised standards, leading to increasing demotivation and a flight of doctors. Health policy can also be improved in the countries visited despite the many but often uncoordinated forms of aid.
It therefore decides to take the problem at its origin by promoting an adapted health model but also by encouraging the renovation or construction of adapted, equipped social and/or medical structures, allowing a companionship towards autonomy and virtuous management.
His motivation even led him to obtain his helicopter pilot's licence to encourage travel on the spot and he surrounded himself with motivated people, competent in their field and members of the project to create the QGM group.